The vulgar tongue of the masses!

Events, poetry mishaps, literary fragments, poems-for-all, prose-for-some; semi-official home of the Betrand Hebert fan[C]lub and the DHtG Society of Sacramento; in no way affiliated with the Custard Pie Appreciation Consortium (CPAC), but with ties to The Blue Chalk Liberation Front (BCLF).

Thursday, December 11, 2008

Buy a book ... one approach

My bookstore's recent ad in the Midtown Monthly. The direct approach using a concept we borrowed from another used bookseller, Doug Webber, who had a little sign behind the counter of his now gone N street store with same said directive, "buy a book you bastards!" As the economy swan dives into a vat of crap the message we're trying to deliver -- playful desperation -- seems to resonate.

Only two complaints, so far. One from an actual bastard, who didn't take kindly to us mocking his being born to an unmarried mother. The other... well, let's just say that little used bookstores get their fair share of slightly crazy people as part of their customer base. (Hey, not knockin' the 5150s; some buy books!)

Buy a book ... another approach

Books are great gifts. Sure are. And this website has assembled some famous people into the little video above to tell you why they make swell presents. Spoiler alert: Bill O'Reilly doesn't get angry; Dean Koontz looks scary. Lotsa smarm here, but its worth a view just to hear Jon Stewart say “Books make great gifts because they are an amazing way to kill time while your web site is buffering.” But the best line comes from Frank McCourt who succinctly connects books and sex ... but hey! I'm giving it all away. Watch. Just watch. It'll make you bastards want to buy books...