The vulgar tongue of the masses!

Events, poetry mishaps, literary fragments, poems-for-all, prose-for-some; semi-official home of the Betrand Hebert fan[C]lub and the DHtG Society of Sacramento; in no way affiliated with the Custard Pie Appreciation Consortium (CPAC), but with ties to The Blue Chalk Liberation Front (BCLF).

Wednesday, December 26, 2007

Viva! The (tiny) book arts!

Tiny books. I love them. One of my Christmas gifts was a miniature book (pictured) from Sharon Tanovitz. While I publish chaplettes for the Poems-For-All Series mostly as computer output, Sharon continues to amaze me with her command of the craft of bookmaking which involves hands-on paper manipulation, sewing signatures, building bindings, etc. For anyone interested in the book arts, Sharon is a wealth of information (and inspiration.) You can see examples of her work both on display and for sale at her artshop Art Ellis, 2508 J Street, Sacramento.

bookbinding class
Sharon will be teaching a bookbinding class via the Learning Exchange in a day-long session on Saturday, February 2, 2008. Description: "Explore the art of making hand-bound books. Even with no prior art or bookbinding experience, create a unique and beautiful long stitch journal. In just one session, make a hard covered exposed stitched book embellished with beads on the spine. Learn about materials, equipment and various binding techniques. This class promises to pique your interest in making books and inspiring your creativity and uniqueness." The class is $59 with a $20 materials fee. For more details or to add the class go to the Learning Exchange (search: bookbinding.)